A new paper published in Nature Communication by a group of IGCP 653-realted authors, led by Anders Lindskog is bringing global media attention once again to the Great Ordovician Biodiversity Event. Their article (here) indicates that the timing of maximum diversification does not overlap with the significant Middle Ordovician meteorite peak.
Lindskog, A.L., Costa, M.M., Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Connelly, J.N. & Eriksson, M.E. 2017. Refined Ordovician timescale reveals no link between asteroid breakup and Biodiversification. Nature Communications 14066. Online
Over 50 news outlets have covered the story, a partial list is here
Some notable coverage: ResearchGate blog Science News Science Alert.com
Note: We are compiling a list of all official IGCP 653 publications on the website publications page. Please email Alycia Stigall (stigall@ohio.edu) whenever you have papers that acknowledge IGCP 653 published so we can keep our list as up to date and inclusive as possible.